Classified language cards are an organized way to introduce new vocabulary as well as confirm what children already know and give them more experience with all kinds of nouns.
Sometimes we play games with the cards individually or as a group. Sometimes it's fun to just explore them alone!
Pulling a friend in the wagon is hard work.
Wiping her own face gives her control over her own body and it's fun too!
Coat-free in February. Is this Portland?
Tearing paper is a fun way to get some energy out!
Carefully arranging flowers, then choosing where to put them. Sometimes there are flowers all around the room and sometimes the children cluster vases on one table or shelf. We honor their choice.
The wagon is an inspiration for all kinds of activity, such as scrubbing.
A provocation of shapes drawn from the introduction to the geometry cabinet inspires more drawing and some washing as well.
Taking time to share a book with a friend.
Mixing the ingredients for a new classroom favorite, vegetable frittata.
Taking care to pour slowly into the funnel.
Sometimes water spills, but we can take care of that with a spill cloth.
Shabbat snack is a happy time at Tree of Life Montessori!
this is me and inez. those are great pictures, tree of life was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!